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promote your business with savvy navvy

¿Qué dice la gente sobre savvy navvy


Visual aids are ideal for boaters particularly when exploring new destinations. The promoted pins function in savvy navvy offers a great way to help sailors seek out our member marinas.

guía de alquiler de barcos
Melanie Symes - TransEurope Marinas

"The perfect audience for us"

We want to let boaters know where we are, the facilities we have and how they can make best use of them. savvy navvy is perfect to help with that.

guía de cartas náuticas
Holly Manville - Falmouth Harbour Authority

"Una gran idea"

We are a private dock, 20 meters long which is ideal for small and big boats and a restaurant in front of the dock. Promoting the dock and restaurant to Greek cruising boaters is perfect and makes us stand out from others along the waterfront.

guía de alquiler de barcos
Paxinos Ioannis - owner Alexander Restaurant, Mytikas
promote your marine business with savvy navvy

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