Boca Grande Marina to Key West - Wisteria Island Southeast

Boca Grande Marina

Distance - 136.1 Nm

Velocidad media
5 kts
10 kts
20 kts
30 kts
Estimación de tiempo
1 day, 3 hours, 13 minutes
13 hours, 37 minutes
6 hours, 48 minutes
4 hours, 32 minutes
Get route planning for Boca Grande Marina to Key West - Wisteria Island Southeast with savvy navvy

Start Location
Boca Grande Marina

P.O. Box 280
Boca Grande

Contact details for Boca Grande Marina

+1 (941) 964-2100
+1 (941) 964-2550
Jeff Dietrich, Marina Manager

End Location
Key West - Wisteria Island Southeast

Man of War Harbor

Contact details for Key West - Wisteria Island Southeast

Route plan from Boca Grande Marina to Key West - Wisteria Island Southeast

Setting sail from Boca Grande Marina to Wisteria Island Southeast in Key West is an enchanting journey that will take you through some of the most breathtaking waters and landscapes the Florida coast has to offer. This route is particularly suitable for experienced boaters who have a deep appreciation for the navigation of coastal waters, the exploration of hidden gems along the Gulf of Mexico and the Straits of Florida, and the rich history embedded in these places. Safety, of course, is paramount, but with the proper precautions and respect for local regulations, this voyage can be a perfect blend of adventure and relaxation.

Departure: Boca Grande Marina

Boca Grande Marina is nestled on Gasparilla Island and serves as an excellent starting point for your journey. Ensure your vessel is fully equipped and provisions are stocked. Check the weather forecast and file your float plan with the marina staff.

1. Navigational Considerations & Hazards

Leaving Boca Grande, you'll head south, skirting the western edges of Pine Island Sound. The sound is peppered with shoals and shallows, so keeping a close eye on your depth finder and charts is essential. Navigation aids like buoys and markers should be heeded at all times. This area is known for its changing conditions, particularly when fronts move through, so adjust your sails and speed accordingly.

2. Points of Shelter & Interest along the Route

  • Cabbage Key: Located in Pine Island Sound, it's an excellent spot for a leisurely stop. The island boasts a charming inn, accessible by boat, and is a good safe haven if the weather turns suddenly. Perfect for stretching your legs and grabbing a meal, Cabbage Key is known for its Old Florida charm.
  • Captiva and Sanibel Islands: Further down your route, Captiva and Sanibel offer beautiful beaches, unique seashells, and are ideal for wildlife enthusiasts. While these islands are more developed, there are numerous anchoring spots, and they can provide shelter with advanced warning of bad weather.
  • Marco Island: As you enter the Gulf of Mexico, Marco Island is a strategic stop for both refueling and enjoying the vistas. It has ample marina facilities and is a lovely place to explore the natural beauty of the Ten Thousand Islands.

3. Key West - Wisteria Island Southeast Arrival

Your approach to Key West through the Straits of Florida requires vigilance, as the Gulf Stream's influence can significantly affect your boat's handling. Notable navigation aids include the Marquesas Keys and the Rebecca Shoal Light to the west, which mark the boundaries of safer waters and more treacherous shallows respectively. Always keep updated on the maritime forecast for sudden changes in weather conditions.

Local Regulations to Note:

  • Key West and its surroundings are environmentally sensitive areas. Ensure you're familiar with and adhere to all regulations regarding waste disposal and interactions with wildlife.
  • Anchorages around Wisteria Island are popular but regulated. Familiarize yourself with local anchoring ordinances to avoid fines.

Wisteria Island Southeast:

Arriving at Wisteria Island, you'll find a spectacular anchorage with stunning views of the Key West sunset. It's important to anchor well due to the high boat traffic and potential strong currents. The seclusion of Wisteria provides a serene experience, yet you're just a short trip from the vibrant life of downtown Key West.


This voyage from Boca Grande Marina to Wisteria Island Southeast offers the seasoned boater a captivating mix of navigational challenges, breathtaking natural beauty, and rich cultural experiences. By prioritizing safety and adhering to local regulations, you'll ensure this journey is not just enjoyable but also leaves a minimal environmental footprint. An adventurous spirit, respect for the sea, and a love for exploration make this route a perfect choice. Bon Voyage!

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