Loggerhead Marina - Palm Beach Gardens to Loblolly Marina

Loggerhead Marina - Palm Beach Gardens

Distance - 15.8 Nm

Velocidad media
5 kts
10 kts
20 kts
30 kts
Estimación de tiempo
3 hours, 10 minutes
1 hour, 35 minutes
47 minutes
32 minutes
Get route planning for Loggerhead Marina - Palm Beach Gardens to Loblolly Marina with savvy navvy

Start Location
Loggerhead Marina - Palm Beach Gardens

Suite 100
Palm Beach Gardens

Contact details for Loggerhead Marina - Palm Beach Gardens

+1 (561) 627-6358, Office Number, monitored from 8am-5pm
+1 (561) 646-0861, Emergency Contact
MacKenzie McGuckin, General Manager

End Location
Loblolly Marina

7407 SE Hill Terrace
Hobe Sound

Contact details for Loblolly Marina

+1 (772) 546-3136, Office
+1 (772) 486-1084, Cell
Eric Spoelstra, Waterfront Director

Route plan from Loggerhead Marina - Palm Beach Gardens to Loblolly Marina

Planning a boat trip from Loggerhead Marina in Palm Beach Gardens to Loblolly Marina is an exciting journey that brings together the serenity of Florida's coastal waters with the thrill of exploration. This itinerary is designed with a keen focus on safety while ensuring an engaging and memorable cruising experience. It’s particularly suitable for boaters who appreciate the blend of serene cruising, natural beauty, and the occasional adrenaline rush from exploring local points of interest.

Departure: Loggerhead Marina - Palm Beach Gardens

Your journey begins at Loggerhead Marina in Palm Beach Gardens, a facility well-equipped with amenities that ensure a smooth start to your trip. Ensure all safety checks are complete before departure.

Navigational Route to Loblolly Marina

  1. Leaving Loggerhead Marina: As you depart, navigate the waters with care, paying attention to local speed regulations and keeping a watchful eye for other boaters, especially in the bustling areas near marinas.
  2. Intracoastal Waterway (ICW) Navigation: You will be cruising along the ICW, a well-marked channel that requires vigilance for navigation aids such as buoys and markers. The ICW is a safe route that provides shelter from the open ocean's unpredictability. Always keep to the starboard (right) side in the channel, and heed the signage indicating speed limitations and no-wake zones to minimize the impact on shorelines and other vessels.
  3. Points of Interest & Shelter Bays:
  • Peanut Island: A potential detour for either exploration or shelter. This man-made island offers a park with picnic areas, snorkeling, and a bunker built for President Kennedy during the Cold War. It’s a perfect spot for a safe, leisurely break should the weather turn or if you just want to stretch your legs on land.
  • Jupiter Inlet: Offers a majestic view of the historic Jupiter Lighthouse. Beware of strong currents and boat traffic. This area provides quick access to the Atlantic Ocean if you wish to venture out for a short ocean cruise, weather permitting.
  1. Navigational Aids & Hazards:
  • Be mindful of shifting shoals, especially near inlets. The ICW is generally safe, but local knowledge is invaluable for avoiding shallower areas that aren't always clearly marked.
  • Manatees are common in these waters, especially in the quieter backwaters and near the Loxahatchee River entrance. Boaters are expected to adhere to manatee speed zones, marked by signage to protect these gentle creatures.
  1. Arrival at Loblolly Marina:
  • Located in Hobe Sound, Loblolly Marina is a serene ending to your voyage. It’s known for its excellent facilities and welcoming atmosphere. As you approach, keep an eye out for the marina's entry markers and proceed at a slow speed to ensure a safe docking.

Safety and Regulations

  • Weather Considerations: Before embarking, check the local weather forecast. The route is relatively sheltered, but Florida weather can change quickly.
  • Communication: Ensure your VHF radio is in good working order to communicate with marinas and other vessels, particularly important for safety and navigation updates.
  • Local Regulations: Familiarize yourself with local regulations along the route, including manatee zones and specific inlets' navigation rules.

Why This Route?

This journey from Loggerhead Marina to Loblolly Marina is an ideal mix of scenic beauty, navigational challenge, and opportunities for adventure. It’s well-suited for boaters who seek a balance between a tranquil cruise along the Intracoastal Waterway and the enriching experiences found in local points of interest. With strategic stops and careful navigation, boaters can enjoy a safe, enjoyable, and diverse boating experience.

Remember, the key to a successful voyage is preparation. Check your boat’s safety equipment, plan your route carefully, and always be prepared for changes in weather or sea conditions. This route promises a memorable journey for those who respect the water and embrace the beauty of Florida’s coastline.

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