Loggerhead Marina - Palm Harbour Marina to Fisher Island

Loggerhead Marina - Palm Harbour Marina

Distance - 259.5 Nm

Velocidad media
5 kts
10 kts
20 kts
30 kts
Estimación de tiempo
2 days, 3 hours, 54 minutes
1 day, 1 hour, 57 minutes
12 hours, 59 minutes
8 hours, 39 minutes
Get route planning for Loggerhead Marina - Palm Harbour Marina to Fisher Island with savvy navvy

Start Location
Loggerhead Marina - Palm Harbour Marina

7080 Placida Road
Cape Haze

Contact details for Loggerhead Marina - Palm Harbour Marina

+1 (941) 697-4356
+1 (941) 697-4356
Brett Cherry, General Manager

End Location
Fisher Island

Biscayne Bay

Contact details for Fisher Island

Route plan from Loggerhead Marina - Palm Harbour Marina to Fisher Island

Embarking on a voyage from Loggerhead Marina - Palm Harbour Marina to the prestigious Fisher Island requires thoughtful planning, merging safety with the allure of exploration. This route, suitable for the discerning boater who appreciates the blend of serene cruising and the excitement of South Florida's coastal highlights, is teeming with opportunities for both relaxation and adventure.

Starting Point: Loggerhead Marina - Palm Harbour Marina
Your journey begins at the well-appointed Loggerhead Marina in Palm Harbor, a haven for yachtsmen seeking exceptional facilities and services. Before departure, ensure your vessel is fully provisioned, and check the local weather conditions and marine forecasts.

Initial Course: Exiting the Marina to the Open Waters
Navigate cautiously as you exit the marina, adhering to the marina's regulations and speed limits. Keep an eye out for other vessels, especially in narrow channels.

1st Leg: Palm Harbor to Miami Beach

  • Navigational Aids and Points of Interest: Upon reaching the open waters, set your course southward along the scenic Florida coast. Use the Intracoastal Waterway (ICW) markers, ensuring you're always on the correct side of the channel markers: red right returning. The ICW offers a safer route compared to the open ocean, especially for smaller vessels or in uncertain weather.
  • Hazards: Be vigilant for shallow areas and private channels not meant for through traffic. Additionally, the area is bustling with both recreational and commercial traffic, so keep a sharp lookout and adhere to the Rules of the Road.

Shelter and Points of Interest:

  • Boca Raton: This city is a lovely spot to anchor if you're looking for a break. With its mix of upscale shops and dining options, it's an ideal place for a leisurely stop. The Lake Boca Raton area provides a good anchorage and is well-protected.
  • Fort Lauderdale: Known as the "Venice of America" due to its expansive and intricate canal system, Fort Lauderdale offers numerous marinas for refueling and provisioning, along with beautiful beaches and entertainment options.

2nd Leg: Miami Beach Approach and Fisher Island
As you approach Miami Beach, the waterways become more congested. It’s critical here to navigate with care, especially around busy ports and through narrow channels.

  • Navigational Aids to Fisher Island: Rounding the southern tip of Miami Beach, use the Government Cut shipping channel, which is well-marked but often busy with commercial traffic. Fisher Island is located just inside the cut, and access is restricted; ensure you have permission to enter and dock.
  • Local Restrictions/Regulations: Be mindful of speed restrictions, especially in designated manatee zones and near shorelines to minimize wake damage.

Arrival at Fisher Island
Concluding your journey at Fisher Island, you're met with an exclusive and tranquil setting, offering luxurious amenities and privacy. This locale is particularly suited for those seeking an upscale, quiet retreat away from the bustling mainland.

Safety Notes:

  • Always keep updated with local weather forecasts and marine conditions.
  • Have updated charts (paper or electronic) and ensure your navigation equipment is in good working order.
  • Know the locations of the nearest safe harbors along your route.
  • Make sure your vessel is equipped with safety gear, including life jackets, flares, fire extinguishers, and a first-aid kit.

Conclusion: This journey from Loggerhead Marina - Palm Harbour Marina to Fisher Island encapsulates the essence of South Florida boating, blending the exhilaration of coastal navigation with the allure of its chic destinations. It's a route that promises both safety and enchantment, ideal for the avid boater who appreciates the finer nuances of a maritime journey.

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