Oasis Marinas at Westshore Yacht Club to Loggerhead Marina - Palm Beach Gardens

Oasis Marinas at Westshore Yacht Club

Distance - 256 Nm

Velocidad media
5 kts
10 kts
20 kts
30 kts
Estimación de tiempo
2 days, 3 hours, 12 minutes
1 day, 1 hour, 36 minutes
12 hours, 48 minutes
8 hours, 32 minutes
Get route planning for Oasis Marinas at Westshore Yacht Club to Loggerhead Marina - Palm Beach Gardens with savvy navvy

Start Location
Oasis Marinas at Westshore Yacht Club


Contact details for Oasis Marinas at Westshore Yacht Club

+1 (813) 831-7002
+1 (813) 831-7002
Nora Crimmins, General Manager

End Location
Loggerhead Marina - Palm Beach Gardens

Suite 100
Palm Beach Gardens

Contact details for Loggerhead Marina - Palm Beach Gardens

+1 (561) 627-6358, Office Number, monitored from 8am-5pm
+1 (561) 646-0861, Emergency Contact
MacKenzie McGuckin, General Manager

Route plan from Oasis Marinas at Westshore Yacht Club to Loggerhead Marina - Palm Beach Gardens

Pilotage Plan from Oasis Marinas at Westshore Yacht Club to Loggerhead Marina - Palm Beach Gardens

Preparation and Departure:
Before casting off from Oasis Marinas at Westshore Yacht Club in Tampa, ensure your vessel is equipped with the latest navigation charts, a strong VHF radio, and an up-to-date GPS system. The journey ahead, while undoubtedly scenic and enriching, requires careful navigation and an eye for detail. Check weather forecasts and plan for contingencies; the Gulf of Mexico can present sudden weather changes that necessitate a solid plan for sheltering.

Navigation and Route:

  1. Departure and Initial Course: Exiting the Westshore Yacht Club, head toward the open waters of Tampa Bay. Initially, steer a course that takes you under the iconic Sunshine Skyway Bridge, utilizing this magnificent structure as a waypoint and a splendid photo opportunity.
  2. Entering the Gulf of Mexico: Upon reaching the Gulf, set a course southward, keeping the Florida coast to your starboard side. This leg of the journey offers breathtaking views of Florida’s pristine beaches and opportunities to spot marine life.
  3. Key Waypoints: Navigate towards Venice, a noteworthy point for refueling and provisioning if necessary. The Venice Inlet, with its clearly marked navigational aids, offers a safe passage. Pay attention to the local boating traffic and adhere to speed regulations.
  4. Sheltering Options: Charlotte Harbor presents an excellent location for shelter should you encounter adverse weather. Besides safety, Charlotte Harbor offers recreational opportunities, including fishing and exploring nature preserves.
  5. Crossing to the East Coast: Upon reaching the vicinity of Fort Myers, consider the Okeechobee Waterway as a shortcut to the east coast of Florida. It’s a beautiful inland route that not only saves time but allows for a change of scenery with its serene waterways and abundant wildlife. Note the lock operations and bridge clearances that are crucial for a smooth passage.
  6. Approaching Palm Beach Gardens: After emerging on the east coast, continue your journey northwards to Palm Beach Gardens. The stretch from Jupiter to Palm Beach Gardens is lined with beautiful landmarks like the Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse. This area requires careful navigation due to the busy boating activity and strong currents near the inlets.

Arrival at Loggerhead Marina - Palm Beach Gardens:
Loggerhead Marina is a well-equipped marina that offers a range of services. Its entrance is marked with clear navigation aids. Pay attention to the marina’s protocols for docking and utilize the available amenities for a restful conclusion to your journey.

Points of Interest and Local Regulations:

  • Always keep an eye out for manatees, especially in shallow or designated areas, adhering to speed limits to protect these gentle giants.
  • Engage in catch-and-release fishing to contribute to the conservation of Florida’s marine life.
  • Explore local communities and coastal towns like Venice and Stuart for a taste of Florida’s maritime culture.
  • Be mindful of marine protected areas and adhere to all fishing and boating regulations to ensure these ecosystems remain vibrant for generations to come.

This itinerary from Oasis Marinas at Westshore Yacht Club to Loggerhead Marina - Palm Beach Gardens offers a blend of open-sea adventure and serene river cruising, suited for the boater who relishes diverse experiences. It traverses through some of Florida's most picturesque landscapes and waters, providing ample opportunity for both relaxation and exploration. Safety, with a strong emphasis on preparation and situational awareness, underscores this journey, making it an enriching experience for both seasoned mariners and those newer to maritime adventures. Enjoy your voyage!

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