Williams Island Marina to Torry Island

Williams Island Marina

Distance - 131.8 Nm

Velocidad media
5 kts
10 kts
20 kts
30 kts
Estimación de tiempo
1 day, 2 hours, 22 minutes
13 hours, 11 minutes
6 hours, 35 minutes
4 hours, 24 minutes
Get route planning for Williams Island Marina to Torry Island with savvy navvy

Start Location
Williams Island Marina

4100 Island Bl #2, Aventura, Fl 33160

Contact details for Williams Island Marina

+1 (305) 937-7813, Open Daily from 9am to 6pm
Bill Draughon, Marina Manager

End Location
Torry Island

Okeechobee Waterway Rim Route

Contact details for Torry Island

Route plan from Williams Island Marina to Torry Island

Embarking from Williams Island Marina offers a splendid starting point for a journey filled with beauty, adventure, and the serene call of the waters. The voyage to Torry Island, while encompassing safety as its paramount concern, promises an enriching experience for the boater who appreciates nature's marvels and the joys of nautical exploration. This journey is particularly suited for boaters with a keen sense of adventure, a respectful understanding of nature's might, and an appreciation for the tranquility that only remote destinations can offer.

Departure: Williams Island Marina

Begin your journey at the serene Williams Island Marina, a spot known for its tranquil waters and friendly community. Ensure your vessel is well-prepared, checking all safety equipment, weather forecasts, and ensuring you are fully fuelled and provisioned. The marina's staff are always on hand to offer advice and assistance as you prepare to set sail.

The Route

Intracoastal Waterway (ICW) to Lake Okeechobee

Navigate through the calm and protective waters of the Intracoastal Waterway (ICW), heading toward the water control structures that grant access to Lake Okeechobee. This section of the journey allows boaters to marvel at the lush landscapes and vibrant wildlife that characterize Florida's eastern coast. Be mindful of the various navigational aids that mark the channel and ensure safe passage. Maintain a vigilant watch for commercial traffic, especially near the more bustling segments of the ICW.

Crossing Lake Okeechobee

Upon reaching Lake Okeechobee, the largest freshwater lake in Florida, your voyage takes on a character of awe-inspiring breadth. This vast expanse can be deceiving—sudden weather changes can create challenging conditions. Heed local weather advisories and be prepared to use designated anchorages or sheltered bays like Taylor Creek or Port Mayaca, should the need arise. The lake is also navigated via the Okeechobee Waterway, marked by well-maintained buoys and beacons. Ensure that your vessel's draft is compatible with the current water levels, which can vary.

Down the Caloosahatchee River into the Gulf

Progressing westward, your journey continues through the Caloosahatchee River towards the Gulf of Mexico. This stretch offers numerous opportunities to experience Florida's natural beauty and wildlife. As you navigate this segment, take advantage of the well-established marinas or tranquil anchorages to rest, resupply, or simply enjoy the surroundings.

Towards Torry Island

Approaching Torry Island, the beauty of the landscape deepens with the lush backdrops and the serene waters. Torry Island itself, while situated inland near the rim of Lake Okeechobee, represents a haven of tranquility and an endearing culmination of your expedition. As you approach, find your way using the local navigational aids, confirming your route with up-to-date charts and paying close attention to the lake's water levels and flow rates, as they can significantly impact passage around the island.

Points of Interest and Attractions

Throughout your expedition, there are numerous bays, natural reserves, and local attractions offering delightful detours:

  • Everglades National Park: A short detour brings you close to this remarkable national treasure, offering unmatched wildlife viewing and pristine landscapes.
  • Port Mayaca: A practical stop for weather shelter, also offers a chance to explore local history and engage with the community.
  • Clewiston on Lake Okeechobee's Southern Shore: Known as "America's Sweetest Town," it is a charming spot for restocking supplies, dining, and experiencing local culture.

Safety and Regulations

Safety is paramount. Adhere to all navigational regulations, keep a vigilant eye on the weather, and remain informed about local boating restrictions, especially those concerning speed limits and protected areas. Ensure your vessel's equipment, especially communication and navigation tools, is in prime condition.


This itinerary from Williams Island Marina to Torry Island isn't just a journey; it's an adventure that promises the heart of boating—exploring, discovering, and respecting the awesome power of nature. It's uniquely suited for the seasoned boater who understands the paramount importance of safety but delights in the profound serenity and joy that only such a voyage can provide.

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