Boca Grande Marina to Hobe Sound G49

Boca Grande Marina

Distance - 164.7 Nm

Velocidad media
5 kts
10 kts
20 kts
30 kts
Estimación de tiempo
1 day, 8 hours, 56 minutes
16 hours, 28 minutes
8 hours, 14 minutes
5 hours, 29 minutes
Get route planning for Boca Grande Marina to Hobe Sound G49 with savvy navvy

Start Location
Boca Grande Marina

P.O. Box 280
Boca Grande

Contact details for Boca Grande Marina

+1 (941) 964-2100
+1 (941) 964-2550
Jeff Dietrich, Marina Manager

End Location
Hobe Sound G49

ICW - Hobe Sound

Contact details for Hobe Sound G49

Route plan from Boca Grande Marina to Hobe Sound G49

Pilotage Plan from Boca Grande Marina to Hobe Sound G49


Before embarking on this exciting journey, ensure your vessel is thoroughly checked, especially for long voyages. This includes fuel levels, engine health, safety gear, and navigational equipment. Weather forecasts should be closely monitored, and all necessary permits or documentation for the trip should be in order.

Departure: Boca Grande Marina

Your journey kicks off at the beautiful Boca Grande Marina, nestled on Gasparilla Island's serene waters. This marina offers full services, making it an excellent point to ensure your vessel is ready for the journey ahead.

Navigational Points and Hazards:

  • Charlotte Harbor: As you leave Boca Grande, you'll navigate through Charlotte Harbor. Keep an eye on weather conditions, as this area can get rough with sudden weather changes. Charlotte Harbor is expansive, offering a great test of your navigational skills with its numerous shallow areas and mangrove islands.
  • Pine Island Sound: Moving north, you enter Pine Island Sound, a picturesque area with potential for wildlife sightings, including dolphins and manatees. The sound has several shallow areas, so navigating with caution and attention to depth is crucial.
  • Sanibel Island to Fort Myers Beach: As you skirt around Sanibel Island, you'll find yourself facing the challenge of navigating through the busy waters near Fort Myers Beach. This area is bustling with boating activity, especially during peak season. Respect all navigational aids and keep a careful watch for other vessels.
  • Up the Gulf Coast: Cruising up the Gulf Coast, you’ll encounter magnificent views and open waters. This leg requires diligence in monitoring weather conditions, especially during hurricane season. Utilize the Intracoastal Waterway (ICW) as it offers a safer route with well-marked channels and shelter options.
  • Venice to Sarasota: A notable area filled with artificial reefs and fishing spots, which also means more boating traffic and potential for submerged hazards. Keep an eye out for the numerous markers and buoyage.

Shelter Points and Attractions:

Throughout your voyage, there are numerous bays and harbors where you can seek shelter or simply stop to explore:

  • Cape Haze and Lemon Bay: Ideal for an early stop with calm waters, offering protection from the elements and a chance to explore the quaint surroundings.
  • Sarasota Bay: A larger bay with excellent anchorage options and the vibrant city of Sarasota nearby, full of cultural attractions and beautiful beaches.
  • Tampa Bay: Should you choose to take a further detour or seek shelter, Tampa Bay and its surrounding area offer numerous marinas, restaurants, and attractions.

Arrival: Hobe Sound G49

Your destination is the serene Hobe Sound G49, a spot known for its natural beauty and quiet surroundings. It’s a place that rewards the patient navigator with tranquil waters and splendid views.

Regulations and Restrictions:

  • Be mindful of speed restrictions in manatee zones, particularly around populated inlets and the ICW.
  • Fishing licenses are required for certain activities in both state and federal waters along the route.
  • Anchor only in designated areas to protect the sea bed and coral habitats.

Why This Route?

This journey is a mariner's delight, offering a blend of open-sea sailing, intricate navigational challenges, and the opportunity to explore Florida's stunning Gulf Coast. It’s perfect for the adventurous boater who enjoys the nuances of coastal navigation, has a deep appreciation for nature, and relishes the opportunity to visit bustling coastal communities along the way.

With careful planning, respect for the sea, and a willingness to explore, this itinerary from Boca Grande Marina to Hobe Sound G49 will not only test your skills as a sailor but reward you with unforgettable memories and sights. Safe travels!

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