Crow's Nest Marina & Restaurant to Boca Grande Marina

Crow's Nest Marina & Restaurant

Distance - 26.8 Nm

Velocidad media
5 kts
10 kts
20 kts
30 kts
Estimación de tiempo
5 hours, 22 minutes
2 hours, 41 minutes
1 hour, 20 minutes
54 minutes
Get route planning for Crow's Nest Marina & Restaurant to Boca Grande Marina with savvy navvy

Start Location
Crow's Nest Marina & Restaurant


Contact details for Crow's Nest Marina & Restaurant

+1 (941) 484-9551
Rick Schattauer, Dock Master

End Location
Boca Grande Marina

P.O. Box 280
Boca Grande

Contact details for Boca Grande Marina

+1 (941) 964-2100
+1 (941) 964-2550
Jeff Dietrich, Marina Manager

Route plan from Crow's Nest Marina & Restaurant to Boca Grande Marina

Pilotage Plan: Crow's Nest Marina & Restaurant to Boca Grande Marina

Starting Point: Crow's Nest Marina & Restaurant

  1. Preparation: Before setting sail from Crow’s Nest Marina & Restaurant, ensure your vessel is equipped with up-to-date navigational charts for the West Florida coast. Check the weather forecast, and file a float plan with the marina.
  2. Departure: Departing from Crow’s Nest Marina, located in Venice, FL, make sure to navigate cautiously through Venice Inlet. The inlet can be tricky due to shifting sands and occasional strong currents. It’s imperative to stay within the marked channel and keep an eye on the depth finder.
  3. Initial Route: Head south following the Intracoastal Waterway (ICW) markers. This stretch is relatively straightforward, but keep an eye out for manatees, especially in the slower speed zones designated for their protection.
  4. Points of Interest & Shelter Bays:
  • Lemon Bay: This is an excellent place for a leisure stop or emergency shelter if needed. It offers calm waters and several spots for anchorage. Lemon Bay Park and Environmental Center is a nice detour for nature lovers.
  • Gasparilla Sound: Further south, Gasparilla Sound provides another ample bay for shelter. Its wide area is suitable for anchoring in unforeseen weather changes. The picturesque town of Boca Grande is located here, known for its charming scenery and historic lighthouse at Gasparilla Island State Park.
  1. Navigational Aids & Considerations:
  • Venice Inlet to Lemon Bay: Navigate carefully, adhering to the channel markers, and stay vigilant for local fishing boats and kayakers.
  • Lemon Bay to Gasparilla Sound: This segment requires attention to the ICW markers and no-wake zones. Dolphin and sea turtle sightings are common, adding to the trip's allure but also necessitating cautious navigation.
  • ICW Markers: Throughout your journey, ICW markers are crucial for safe navigation. Remember, red right returning: keep red markers to your starboard (right) side when heading south.
  1. Ending Point: Boca Grande Marina: As you approach Boca Grande Marina, the waterways can become busier, especially during peak season. The channel leading into the marina is well-marked but requires slowing down and possibly queueing for access. The marina staff are highly professional and will assist with docking and any local knowledge needed.

Why This Route?

This itinerary from Crow’s Nest Marina & Restaurant to Boca Grande Marina is a blend of serene coastal cruising and engaging points of interest. It is particularly suitable for boaters who appreciate a mix of open water and protected bay navigation, offering opportunities for both relaxed cruising and exciting exploration. Safety is prioritized through detailed navigational planning and shelter options, yet the route’s scenic beauty and wildlife encounters ensure a memorable journey.

Suitable For:

Ideal for moderate-experience boaters looking to expand their cruising horizons. The route offers a balanced challenge with straightforward navigation, aided significantly by markers and local guidance, but still requires careful attention to weather, tidal changes, and local traffic.

This pilotage plan provides the blueprint for a safe, enjoyable voyage blending the tranquility of the Gulf Coast with the charm and history embedded in its coastal towns and natural landscapes.

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